Scarecrow at break time


Scarecrow at the break time.


50x140cm (x2cm edge).


Mixed media on canvas.

Acrylic colours,

Pre-coloured and machine-cut adhesive film based on a handmade original drawing,

Glossy black lacquer paint.

Date of realisation:

February 2022.

Place of realisation:

Velbert, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.


Antonino Tindaro Ricciardo.

Stylised figure of a scarecrow walking on its hands, with decorative motifs on a yellow background
Stylised figure of a scarecrow walking on its hands, with decorative motifs on a yellow background

Scarecrow at break time

Front view of the entire painting

The acrobatic walk

On a hot summer day, the time for an unusual break arrives. Exactly at midday, in the now empty and dusty field after the harvest, the scarecrow decides it is time to stretch after long hours of immobility. In an act of extravagance, he abandons his fixed position and launches himself into an acrobatic walk on his hands. It is a fantastic spectacle: the scarecrow, used to peering into infinity without moving, now dances upside down, preferring to look at the world from another perspective as it lifts clouds of dust into the warm embrace of the sun.

Detail: scarecrow’s face, with tin hat, straw-yellow face and red shirt
Detail: scarecrow’s face, with tin hat, straw-yellow face and red shirt
Enlarged detail of the decorative design simulating dust, with black on a yellow background
Enlarged detail of the decorative design simulating dust, with black on a yellow background

Scarecrow at break time

Detail of the lower part of the painting

Scarecrow at break time

Detail of the upper part of the painting

From a different perspective

"Scarecrow at break time" is an intriguing artwork that captures the viewer's imagination with its playful and surreal narrative. With a canvas size of 50x140cm and a mixture of different artistic techniques, this painting cleverly combines acrylic colours, pre-coloured adhesive foil and a touch of glossy black to create an extraordinary visual experience.

At the centre of the composition, a scarecrow, traditionally immobile and static, comes to life during its rest. It escapes its usual role as guardian of the fields, rises from its foundations and begins to walk on its hands to explore the world from a completely new perspective. Her straw legs seem to stand up with perfect elegance as she moves forward, conveying a sense of freedom and adventure.

Antonino skilfully captures the essence of the moment and makes the feeling of movement and change tangible. The glossy foil and black paint add depth and contrast to the scene, creating a vibrant and dynamic atmosphere.

Through "Scarecrow at break time", Antonino makes us reflect on the idea of freedom, the desire to explore the world and the ability to see things from a different perspective. This work epitomises the magic and wonder of the infinite possibilities that open up when you embrace change and dare to dream beyond the boundaries of the everyday.

Painting: Scarecrow at break time. View of the edge, 2cm high
Painting: Scarecrow at break time. View of the edge, 2cm high
Painting: Scarecrow at break time, shown on a wall in side view
Painting: Scarecrow at break time, shown on a wall in side view

Scarecrow at break time

View of the edge, 2cm high

Scarecrow at break time

Side view

Painting: Scarecrow at break time. Rear view
Painting: Scarecrow at break time. Rear view

Scarecrow at break time

Rear view

Painting: Scarecrow at break time. View into the 3D-rendered living room
Painting: Scarecrow at break time. View into the 3D-rendered living room

Scarecrow at break time

View of the painting in a 3D rendering of a living room



© 2024 Antonino Tindaro Ricciardo.

All rights reserved

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